Like many blue collar kids growing up on Milwaukee’s south side, financial security was never certain. Sometimes things got tough for our family, but I ended up understanding the value of a dollar and realized that hard work and personal integrity are always the keys to personal and professional success.
I also learned the value of helping people, and that’s why I started AJS Financial.
Whether you’re an individual or a small business, I’m confident that I can help you to meet your financial goals and objectives by drawing upon my 30 years of industry experience in business accounting and tax preparation.
You’ve probably heard that from more than a couple financial professionals, but few can offer the kind of expertise that comes from working for a top-10 ranked national accounting firm, as well as several large organizations within the banking, utilities, manufacturing and healthcare sectors.
Isn’t that the kind of experience you deserve, and, given that you know the value of a dollar too, at a price you can afford?
Gaining your trust and confidence are important to me, and I look forward to meeting and discussing how AJS Financial can help you!
Tony Sparacino, CPA
President, AJS Financial, LLC.